It's still May, but summer is just around the corner, and the weather lately, at least here in Shizuoka, has certainly felt like summer weather. I've included a roundup of previous summer-related posts below, although note that some, such as the fireworks festival finder websites, haven't been updated yet for 2012 information (but you'll still be able to get an idea of what festivals are held in your area/wherever you're going, and then can look up this year's info later once it's been confirmed.)
More will be added as any relevant new post are published this summer.
The Rainy Season
First of all, the rainy season has already begun in Okinawa, which means it's likely to start earlier than usual on the main islands as well. It's best to be prepared, so check out these 40 tips to survive the rainy season in Japan. After that, why not read 12 more ideas to get through the sticky season of humidity and sweat? If you're stumped as to what to do in the rain, you'll find several ideas here.
The Bugs
Once the temps go up, they come in droves. The high-pitched buzzing sound you might be hearing throughout the night - multiple times - is those obnoxious mosquitoes. Here are some ways to defend yourself against them, and how to take care of the bites they leave behind.
Don't forget the roaches. Learn how you can prevent them from making an appearance in your home and how to get rid of them, here.
Body and Home
If you're looking for an alternative to air-conditioning that uses less electricity and saves money, you want to try a "cool air fan."And to help control mold and humidity, keep your veggies fresh longer, and deodorize the air, bamboo charcoal, or "takesumi", is quite useful for that, with the added bonus that it's natural.
And to protect yourself from the sun, you'll want this useful guide to sunscreen in Japan.
Want to go to the movies in Japan but not sure how to go about it, or how to find an English movie, etc.? Here's everything you need to know: 7 tips for going to the movies in Japan
To cool off, why not head to the pool, or even a water park? Not sure how to find them? Read this.
Finally, the fireworks festivals usually happen from July through September here in Japan, and they are definitely an event you won't want to miss, so learn how you can find them here.
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