So the husband, baby and I drove around town visiting various convenience stores to confirm what their websites state they offer in the way of copy, print and fax services. I should note that not all stores will offer exactly what the website says (and the websites confirm this). While one 7-11 may offer all the services listed on the website, it's possible another one might not (please let me know after reading this post whether you've seen anything different at your local stores).
ALL of these places offer photo printing, so I have not explained them in this post. Photo printing will take up an entirely different post.
Below I've covered the details on copy, print and fax services offered at 7-11, Family Mart, Circle K, Lawson, and Mini Stop. And, to get the main features at a glance, I made a quick reference chart of each of the five convenience stores I've covered in this post.
As always, let me know if you've experienced anything different, or if there's something I missed.
Family Mart
Circle K
Mini Stop
7-11 セブン-イレブン

Many of the following services can be paid using "nanaco," in addition to coins. In my experience many stores don't take 500 yen coins, though this may vary.
English Menu?
Only for copies and photo printing.
Copy Services
- Black & White (all sizes) 1 sheet / 10 yen
- Color B5/A4/B4/postcard size 1 sheet / 50 yen
- Color A3 size 1 sheet / 80 yen
- Double-sided copy ( 両面コピー )
- ID card copy function ( 免許証/名刺コピー )
You can scan a document and have it imported to your USB drive. 1 scan / 30 yen.
Supported File Formats:
- PDF (Ver. 1.3)
- XPS (Ver. 1.0)
- DocuWorks (XDW) (Ver. 4)
You have the option of printing some documents or images (not including photo printing, which is a different function) via a USB drive or memory card, etc., or you can use the Net Print option.
Document print from media. 10 yen and up.
Supported file formats:
- PDF(Ver. 1.3~1.7)
- XPS(Ver. 1.0)
- DocuWorks(Ver. 3~7)
- micro SD
- mini SD
- memory stick duo
- compact flash / micro drive
- SD card
- xD-picture card
- memory stick
- USB drive
- infrared (such as on your phone if it has a sensor)
- Black and white (all sizes) 1 sheet / 20 yen and up
- Color B5/A4/B4 1 sheet / 60 yen and up
- Color A3 1 sheet / 100 yen and up
Supported file formats: Windows (but don't worry Mac users, you can print things too; I've done it many times.)
- .doc, .docx, .rtf (Note: .doc doesn't always work for my Mac, but .docx does)
- .xls, .xlsx
- .ppt, .pptx
- DocuWorks Ver. 3.0
Within Japan only. 50 yen / 1 sheet.
Click here to see all of the above-mentioned services on their website (Japanese).
Family Mart ファミリーマート

English Menu?
- Black & White (all sizes) 1 sheet / 10 yen
- Color B5/A4/B4 1 sheet / 50 yen
- Color A3 size 1 sheet / 80 yen
- Double-sided copy ( 両面コピー ) 1 sheet / 20yen
- ID card copy function ( カードコピー )
Domestic (50 yen / page) and International (100-150 yen / page)
You can also receive (pick up) a fax via the Kuroneko service.
Click here to see all of the above-mentioned services on their website (Japanese).
Circle K サークルK

English Menu?
Yes, and seven other languages.
Copy Services
- Black & White (all sizes) 1 sheet / 10 yen
- Color B5/A4/B4 1 sheet / 50 yen
- Color A3 size 1 sheet / 80 yen
- Double-sided copy
- ID card copy function
Network Print Service
- Black and white (all sizes) 1 sheet / 20 yen and up
- Color B5/A4/B4 1 sheet / 60 yen and up
- Color A3 1 sheet / 100 yen and up
- Digital image print A4 glossy 120 yen
- Digital image print B4/A4/B5 plain paper 100 yen
- Digital image print A3 plain 120 yen
- Photo print L-size 30 yen
- Index print 30 yen
- ID photo print 200 yen
Supported file formats: Windows (but don't worry Mac users, you can print things too; I've done it many times.)
Document print from media. 10 yen and up.
Supported file formats:
Supported media:
USB drive
Circle K also offers image print services and can use various types of media for this.
Also see: HOW TO: Upload and Print a Document at 7-11 and Circle K in Japan.
- .doc, .docx (Note: .doc doesn't always work for my Mac, but .docx does)
- .xls, .xlsx
- .ppt, .pptx
Document print from media. 10 yen and up.
Supported file formats:
Supported media:
USB drive
Circle K also offers image print services and can use various types of media for this.
Also see: HOW TO: Upload and Print a Document at 7-11 and Circle K in Japan.
Domestic (50 yen / page) and International (100-150 yen / page). Kuroneko fax services also available.
Click here to see all of the above-mentioned services on their website (Japanese).
Lawson ローソン

English Menu?
Copies only and in seven other languages.
Copy Services
- Black & White (all sizes) 1 sheet / 10 yen
- Color B5/A4/B4 1 sheet / 50 yen
- Color A3 size 1 sheet / 80 yen
- Double-sided copy ( 両面コピー ) Color B4/A4/B5 1 sheet / 100 yen, Color A3 1 sheet / 160 yen; BW all sizes 1 sheet / 20 yen
- ID card copy function ( 多機能コピー ) Color 1 sheet / 50 yen; BW 1 sheet / 10 yen
You can scan a document and have it imported to your USB drive. 1 scan / 50 yen.
Supported File Formats:
You have the option of printing some documents or images (not including photo printing, which is a different function) via a USB drive or memory card, etc.
Document print from media. BW 1 sheet / 20 yen; Color 1 sheet / 60 yen.
Supported file formats:
- PDF (1.3, 1.4, 1.5)
- mini SD
- micro SD
- compact flash
- SD card
- USB drive
Domestic (50 yen / page) and International (100-180 yen / page). Kuroneko fax services are available. You can also receive (pick up) a fax via the Kuroneko service.
Click here to see all of the above-mentioned services on their website (Japanese).
Mini stop ミニストップ

English Menu?
Copy Services
- Black & White (all sizes) 1 sheet / 10 yen
- Color B5/A4/B4/postcard size 1 sheet / 50 yen
- Color A3 size 1 sheet / 80 yen
- Double-sided copy ( 両面コピー )
- ID card copy function ( 免許証コピー )
Network Print via Kuroneko Services
Fax Services
Domestic (50 yen / page) and International (100-180 yen / page). Kuroneko fax services are available. You can also receive (pick up) a fax via the Kuroneko service.
Click here to see all of the above-mentioned services on their website (Japanese).
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